Future Trends in SEO for Legal Marketing

Future Trends in SEO

Staying ahead in the legal marketing space requires you to keep an eye on emerging SEO trends. And for law firms looking to stay on top of their digital marketing strategy, understanding these trends can help you beat out competitors.

Did you know that 79% of local business owners believe SEO to be the most effective marketing channel?

Whether you’re just getting started with law firm SEO or want to stay ahead of the curve, we can help.

In this article, we’ll dive into the future of SEO for legal marketing, offering insights and strategies to keep your law firm ahead of the game.

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is redefining search. This AI-driven feature within Google search showcases AI-generated results prominently at the top of SERPs.

Currently in beta, experts expect it to roll out worldwide sometime in 2024.

google sge lawyers

SGE marks a shift towards interactive, user-centric search experiences. It offers clear, concise answers to user’s searches, blending visuals and conversational engagement, making searches more intuitive and human-like.

How to Prepare

For legal firms, adapting to SGE is key to staying on top of SEO. The focus shifts to creating content that is not only informative but conversational and client-focused.

Legal content must now address client queries directly, resonating with the AI’s conversational style. That way, you get featured in the sources.

Optimizing for SGE involves understanding and leveraging its AI-driven format. It’s still too soon to know exactly how to optimize for SGE, but we have some ideas.

  • Provide Expert Analysis and Opinion: SGE favors comprehensive information from various sources. Legal firms should focus on offering expert analysis or unique viewpoints on legal matters.
  • Use Direct Language and Structured Content: SGE often references structured text, similar to featured snippets. Organize content into clear sections, lists, and bullet points for better comprehension.
  • Establish Topical Authority: SGE tends to highlight niche or topic-specific sites. Developing topical authority in specific legal areas is increasingly important.
  • Publish New and Novel Information: SGE frequently cites original content. Legal firms should prioritize creating and sharing new data or insights over simply compiling existing information.

If you were already following SEO best-practices, you shouldn’t have much work to do. Continue creating valuable, unique content and building your topical authority and you’re good to go.

Zero-Click Searches

Zero-click searches, a growing trend in search engine behavior, are shaping how users interact with search results — and will become even more present with the release of SGE.

According to Semrush, 57% of mobile searches and a significant portion of desktop queries result in no clicks.

This happens when users find an answer to their query within the search engine results pages (SERPs) — this could be local business details, specific answers to questions, or specific information about public figures.

How to Prepare

There are a few adjustments to your SEO strategy you can make to optimize for zero-click searches.

The first step is optimizing for featured snippets. Focus on creating content that captures featured snippets (or position zero), which show at the top of SERPs and are the most likely to get clicks.

law firm featured snippetYou can use a tool like Semrush to identify which keyword queries have featured snippets.

Zero-click searches will grow exponentially with the launch of SGE, making our previous trend even more important. Do your best to optimize for SGE and get ahead of the trend.

Focus on Topical Authority

Topical authority is key to getting your law firm’s content to rank. It’s how you signal to Google that your law firm is an expert in your practice area, satisfying search engine algorithms.

Search engines, especially with advancements like SGE, prefer to rank content from sources that demonstrate in-depth knowledge in a particular field. For law firms, this means going beyond general legal advice to showcasing expertise in your practice area using real-world examples.

How to Prepare

To build topical authority, you should create detailed, authoritative content on your practice areas. This involves deep dives into niche topics supported by keyword research.

For example, a criminal defense law firm might create a pillar page on assault, then create supporting blogs on more in-depth and specific questions.

trey porter blog

You should also regularly update content so that it’s up to date. This not only maintains relevance but also positions your firm as a current, knowledgeable source in your specialty.

By focusing on building topical authority, law firms can significantly improve their SEO standing, aligning with the latest trends and expectations of search engines.

Google’s Ranking Factors

Understanding Google’s always-evolving ranking factors is important when deciding on SEO strategies to prioritize.

These factors are always evolving. In 2024, the factors to really focus on are Core Web Vitals, E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), and User Experience.

How to Prepare

Here are some tips to get started.

A seamless, intuitive user experience on your website can significantly boost your rankings. Ensure easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and valuable content for users.

  • Core Web Vitals: Core Web Vitals measure your website’s health, focusing on things like speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. Law firms should make sure their websites are fast, mobile-friendly, and provide a smooth user experience.
  • E-E-A-T: This extended version of E-A-T adds ‘Experience’ to the mix. Law firms should showcase their real-world experience and expertise in legal matters through their content. A lot goes into this, but things like beating featured in the local news help establish your authority.
  • User Experience: A seamless, intuitive user experience on your website can significantly boost your rankings. Ensure easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and valuable content for users.

By focusing on these three key factors, law firms can enhance their online presence and align themselves with Google’s evolving SEO landscape.

Video Marketing and SEO

Video content is a key driver in digital marketing, with statistics showing its increasing importance.

An all-time high of 91% of businesses used video as an online marketing tool in 2023. So jump on the bandwagon if you haven’t already, but do so strategically.

How to Prepare

Developing a comprehensive video SEO strategy is essential.

Utilize YouTube keyword research tools to enhance your video’s discoverability by incorporating target keywords in the title, description, and tags.

Semrush’s Keyword Analytics for YouTube app is an effective tool for uncovering popular search terms. This helps in creating content that aligns with what your prospects are searching for.

keyword research youtube semrush

With well-optimized content, your videos are more likely to engage viewers and boost your firm’s online visibility.

Embracing the Future of SEO in Legal Marketing

Staying informed and adaptable is key to any successful SEO strategy. And 2024 is set to see some huge shake-ups in the digital marketing space.

Working with an SEO agency for lawyers allows you to focus on the law while being confident that there’s an expert team staying on top of SEO trends, ensuring you get a countless supply of leads.

If you’re looking for help with your SEO, reach out. We have a team of SEO specialists ready to assist.